Published on August 7, 2006 By J. Aroche In WinCustomize Talk
I found this site when I checked out the referrals from one of my skins, but apparently they put the skins in there site with their sub-divisions for objectdock, desktopx, cursorxp, windowblinds, and some other programs, but the curious thing is that the preview that we create for our skins, are modified with the page url, and you can actually download the skins from that site.

And right now I downloaded the cursor I did called ladybug from that site to see if it was actually the file, and it is! Besides, it was in a .rar file (I placed them in a zip file) and included in the file was a link to the page, with the title "Downloaded from"

I believe we have a problem here...
Comments (Page 4)
4 PagesFirst 2 3 4 
on Jan 22, 2008
on Feb 06, 2008
I too TOMPCpl Poor Aroche
on Feb 06, 2008
I saw Google ads over there. May be it's time to contact Google and anyone else who do business with them.
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