Published on May 15, 2006 By J. Aroche In Websites
First, let me tell you about this great comic.

Jaime Buckey is the great author of this comic.
WANTED:HERO, is the first full fledged comic book, created in a traditional format, which is then digitized and sold as a download.

It's a story about a simple, ordinary guy--Wendell P. Dipmier, who gets mistake for someone else, and is carted off to the outer rim of existance, called the Nexus. There, he is confronted and told that he is the last in a 'Royal' line of Heroes, destined to save all of creation. He is then bestowed with the greatest power any mortal can posses...a power which cannot be taken from him.

...and then Wendell learns the truth:

They grabbed the wrong guy.

He is now stuck in a position he can't get out of, with a power he can't use...for the next 1000 years.

...That's the very beginning of WANTED:HERO.

If you would like to read WANTED:HERO, the comic is in year two, and offers the first 5 issues absolutely FREE! No obligations, nothing to sign---just download the eCOMICs and have fun. That's it!

Besides, this great comic has something to do with Dario Arnaez, yes, I know it sounds weird, but actually it's great.

A very important character of Wanted Hero is called "Cryo64", anybody recognizes that? Well I certainly do Link Dario's website.

Jaime Buckley and Dario Arnaez got into an arrangement, that Buckley could use this great icon, as an important character Link the little icon that is a face with a folder behind, well take a better look to it...

it's a new icon, but the comic character is this one...

But well that's just the whole point of it, it's really cool, go check it out.

on May 16, 2006
on May 17, 2006
Thanks for the info and link dl issue's 1&2 gotta find time to read em now
on May 18, 2006
Yes it is really interesting, and hey, go take a look Jonep