Published on April 17, 2006 By J. Aroche In WinCustomize Talk
Okay, I've seen, and enjoyed PHOENIXHEART's rare icon request post so we can all enjoy amazing icons from experts like PHOENIXHEART, Po'Smedley, Bandit4edu, etc... but I've seen many who request object dock backgrounds, and I would like that everyone can have a cool one to match their desktops.
I'm not that good at making them, but I know how to make them, but maybe cool designers like WebGizmos, Gooberbean28, and many other great skinners can help us out here, so if you would like one just tell us!

Comments (Page 4)
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on May 18, 2006
Thanks, Web I hope he does!
on May 18, 2006
Ok J.A....I just took a look at that skin...and theres really not much to work with since its such a dark skin. I can make one, but it won't really be much of a dock since its also very plain looking. How about you take a crack at it...this one would be very easy and can be done with the MSPaint program. I'll even give ya pointera along the way if ya want to give it a try.
on May 18, 2006
Double post.
on May 18, 2006
Ok, I'll sure give it a try.
now working on it, I'll try to make a tab one, if I run to any problem I'll ask you, thanks
on May 18, 2006
Hey Web, I did one, but I need someone to check it out.
Could you help me?
on May 18, 2006
Sure...send it to me
on May 18, 2006
Thanks Web, you got mail!
on May 18, 2006
J.A., You got mail!
on May 19, 2006
Hey Web, I still have that problem, my winzip opens every folder except the ones you send me, I tried to reinstall it and everything but no progress, any recomendations?
on Mar 06, 2008
guess this thread didnt work out as well as the rare icon requests eh.
on Mar 08, 2008
Just as well I guess...I think I'm taking a break from docks. Same old story...tired of doing all that work just to get buried under dock pngs and forgotten. Why upload them if no one is going to see them for longer than a day or two.
on Mar 09, 2008
Same old story...tired of doing all that work just to get buried under dock pngs and forgotten. Why upload them if no one is going to see them for longer than a day or two.

I hear ya there. They should separate the galleries into OD backgrounds and OD icons. But Ive noticed lately I still get at least half a dozen to a dozen downloads a day on the stuff I uploaded a couple months back.Which I know isnt much but at least I know people are going pretty far back through the libraries or checking personal pages then. And being my work is nowhere as good as yours and doesnt match any Windowblind themes like yours do, youve got to be getting good download numbers still.

I wish theyd tweak the way the watchlist works a bit too. Thatd make it easier for people to be sure to keep track of skins from the artists they like.
on Mar 09, 2008
guys, have any one seen the Hitman 2007 movie....i liked the laptop background DREAMSCENE "HITMAN LOGO SPINNING" if anyone can get something like that.....plz upload it here or send it to me at

best regards from macedonia
on Mar 09, 2008
i've almost forgot.....
the computer games
HITMAN Codename:Agent 47
HITMAN - Contracts....
it's the same thing...same LOGO......just i like it 3D SPINNING on my desktop
plus its very cool and i think not too dificult to be made.

on Mar 10, 2008
They should separate the galleries into OD backgrounds and OD icons

I agree 100%!....and I've been asking for that for some time now...but the powers that be have made it clear thats not gonna happen.

If it weren't for 2 of my docks being on the main OD+ page my downloads would sadly be next to nothing...and as soon as they are replaced that will more than likely happen. So I think I'm just going to do these docks for myself for awhile...and if my downloads drop off the map I might as well just remove them all and be done with it. I put to much time into them to just see them buried and forgotten. Half of my docks get don't even get downloaded anymore...pretty much proves my point of being buried and forgotten. And pretty much like this post have been forgotten.
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